latest news:
New Interviews:

Illdisposed(Death Metal/Denmark)

Leprosy Abscess(Death Metal/Romania)(romanian version)
New Reviews:
Alientacja(Poland) - Blades Shall Speak 2006
Avatar(Ro) - Tentacles EP 2006
Bestial Devastation(Italy) - Splatter Mania 2005
Beyond Twilight(Sweden) - For the Love of Art and the Making 2006
Blissed(USA) - Corrosive 2006
Bloody(Brasil) - Slow Death 2005
Crowpath(Sweden) - Son of Sulphur 2006
Darzamat(Poland) - Transkarpatia 2005
Dazy Chain(Aus) - Love is Hate - Peace is War 2005
Dead Hearts(USA) - Bitter Verses 2006
Devastator(Japan) - Demo 2006
Empire Auriga - Auriga Dying 2006
Endless Time(Italy) - War of Blinds 2005
Enthrallment(Bulgaria) - Smashed Brain Collection 2006
Farasu(Malaysia) - The Blackmoon Eclipse 2006
Fentanyl(Holland) - Feeble Existence 2006
Grand Belial's Key(USA) - Kosherat 2006
Grenouer(Russia) - Try 2006
Hailstones Kill 200(Australia) - June 19 1932 2006
Hyacintus(Argentina) - Elydian 2002
Iconoclast(USA) - The Dreadful Dance 2005
Images of Eden(USA) - Sunlight of the Spirit 2006
Infernal Vegeance(Sweden) - Dual Mayhem 2006
Mass Infection(Grece) - Promo 2005
Mastema(Sweden) - Those Who Walk in Darkness 2005
Mandatory(Germany) - ...Where They Bleed 2006
My Shadow(Romania) - Nonexistence 2006
Nasu Blue(USA) - Brights 2006
Nasu Blue(USA) - Fashionably Late 2006
Nasu Blue(USA) - Motet Gloria 2006
Nihilistikrypt(Estonia) - Required Sacrifices 2005
Oath to Avnguish(Lebanon) - Applied Schizophrenic Science 2006
Phoenix(USA) - Dying to Find Myself 2005 / 2006
Requiem Aeternam(Uruguay) - Philosopher 2005
Scald(N.Ire.) - Vermiculatus 2006
Scars(Brasil) - The Nether Hell 2006
Seduced By Suicide(Brazil) - Gothic Dream 2006
Sordid(Australia) - Sordid Remains 2006
Stand Aside(UK) - A Black Death Dawns 2005
Stronghold(USA) - Portal of Illusion 2003
Switchback(Switzerland) - Angel of Mine 2006
Twelve Tribes(USA) - Midwest Pandemic 2006
Vedonist(Poland) - Awaking to Immortality 2006
Warmachine(Canada) - The Beginning of the End 2006