

Country: Belgium
Product title: The 17th Floor
Kind of product: Full-lenght CD
Release year: 2005
Label: Trinity Records
Genre: black death metal
Line-up: Wouter (guitars)
        Ruud (drums)
        Joris (bass, vocals)
Tracks: 1. The Karthagenar Experiment
       2. Portraits
       3. She Calls Me a New Age Nomad
       4. Silent Cold Enigma
       5. Winter's Dying Day
       6. Descending. Crescending
       7. Unity and Humidity
       8. Embraced by Dreams
       9. Conquering of Summer
       10. M.I.T.T.R.E.H.E.
Total time: 44:41

Review: Melodic black death metal presented in a catchy form with mid to fast temposIt is a good beginning for this band, although this album can be labelled as average because of the very large amount of similar bands appeared in the last years and because the drum-machine used. I am not against the use of drum-machine in some occasions as: demos, promos or by bands from countries with poor studios or bands without a drummer, but when it comes to a band from Belgium (where it's easier to have a good recording than in, let's say Romania) which uses drum-machine for a full-lenght CD... That is not a good point for them. The vocal work is a good one, but Joris needs some more variation as after some listenings you get bored of them... They have good ideas and the future might bring good things for them.

Contact: www.signofdarkness.be