

Country: Sweden
Product title: Bloodshred
Kind of product: Full-lenght CD
Release year: 2005
Label: Black Lotus Records
Genre: thrash death metal
Line-up: Marcus Olofsson (guitar)
        Mattias Hansson (bass)
        Andreas Engman (drums)
        Andreas Oman (vocals)
        Anders Bjork (guitar)
Tracks: 1. Empty Threats
       2. Tons of Hate
       3. The Gift / Curse
       4. A Treacherous Ride
       5. Head First
       6. Born Dying
       7. The Man I've Known as Me
       8. Burn Alive
       9. I Won't Forgive
       10. Vision Within
       11. Life Surreal
       12. True Identity
       13. Downfall
       14. I Please My Hunger
Total time: 42:35

Review: Never heard of this band, but I'm glad I have their debut album now because they are a true metal band, with a great potential. Although it is said all bands from Scandinavia are sure to receive tons of deal offers from record companies just for the fact they're from a good region for metal music, Searing I prooves us wrong as they are around since 1999 and have 4 demos released before signing with the ever-growing Greek label Black Lotus Records. Searing I is truly a great thrash metal band, a band to become popular in no time. It is said they are the new revelation of the Sweedish thrash metal scene, but don't they all are, hahaha? This time Searing I are a tharsh metal band that goes on new, melodic and very technical patterns and have almost nothing in common with the old way of thrash metal, so the kids might dig this a lot. Their guitarists are good in creating catchy riffs that are so in fashion at the moment, the rhythm section is impressive, massive and faultless, and the vocalist is using angry, semi-growling, understandable vocals which are a plus as well. Some death metal influences in rhythm are present, but the best way to label Searing I is to put them in the New Wave of Sweedish Thrash Metal. A forceful album that will be deeply appreciated by any fan of aggressive, fast and metallic rhythms.

Contact: www.searingi.com