

Country: Canada
Product title: Truth / Imagery / Passage
Kind of product: Double CD - Entire discography
Release year: 2005
Label: Willowtip Rec. / Earache Rec.
Genre: death metal
Line-up: Ian Campbell (v.)
        Steven Henry (g.)
        Robin Miley (g.)
        Yan Thiel (b.)
        Alex Erian (d.)
plus former members: Maynard Moore (v.)
                    Felipe Quinzanos (g.)
                    Mathieu Royal (d.)

Disc 1 - Truth beyond... (full-lenght released in 2002)
               1. ...of Divinity
               2. Impulse
               3. Fractionized
               4. Xenobiotic
               5. Reflections
               6. Imagery
               7. Memento
               8. Structures
               9. Mutiny
               10. Essence
               11. Neurasthenic
               12. Truth beyond Recognition...
               13. ???
        Bonus - Live video material - 10 tracks

Disc 2 - Imagery (full-lenght released in 1997):
               1. Intro
               2. A Temporal Calamity
               3. Oscilliated to Intelligence
               4. Cyberwar
               5. Inquisition on Morality
               6. Lid to Your Soul
               7. Reasons of Being
               8. Atmospheric Holocaust
               9. Psycho-Waves
               10. A Drift...
               11. Driftwood
               12. The Drop
        Passage into Forlorn (full-lenght released in 2001):
               13. Unite
               14. Virtuosity
               15. The Art of Sadness
               16. Link
               17. Blind the Vision that Shatters
               18. To Pacify
               19. The Drop
               20. Forlorn...
        Bonus Material:
               21. In Silence
               22. ...of Divinity (live)
Total time: Disc 1 - 41:00
           Disc 2 - 61:22

Review: In the early '90's Canada begun to grow some little monsters which in the mid period of that decade came out as being some of the most disgusting and horrific: Kataklysm, Cryptopsy, Gorguts, Martyr or Quo Vadis. between them there was Neuraxis too, bearing the same frenzy in mixing twisted guitar riffs, blast beats, insane vocals, but still not missing anything in creating some melodic lines as well. For the ones of you who don't have a clue on this band, this is the perfect and the cheapest way of knowing them. Willowtip/Earache re-released all their three CDs in form of this DCD, spicing it up with 2 live bonus tracks and with lots, lots of live-clips for you to see their brutality and skills on stage too. Their guitarists borrowed some black metal techniques as well. All the albums are great, but especially the last one which passed on to this new way of composing those hyper-blasting ultra-fast rhythms of sheer brutality and force. Neuraxis is a great band and hopefully this release will bring them the respect they deserve.

Contact: www.neuraxis.org