

Country: Romania
Product title: Atrofiation
Kind of product: Demo CD
Release year: 2004
Label: self-produced
Genre: death metal
Line-up: Mortuar (guitars)
        Hellcunt (drums)
        Lehamith (vocals)
        Odie (bass)
Tracks: 1. Incest
       2. Arise In Chaos
       3. Atrofiation
       4. Mutilation Sodomized
Total time: 16:26

Review: Although out from 2004, I've just bought this demo CD, but don't ask my why so late cause I don't know. I've always wanted to listen a studio recorded product of this band as I already saw them live couple of times and have a live video recording of one of their concerts also. So, this is their first attempt to prove they are worthy of the first league of Romanian death metal scene. The starting track almost disappointed me with its simple (too simple) riffs a la '90's death metal wannabe bandswith no proper instruments, if some of you can remember those days. The best thing on this track is Lehamith's voice, ultra guttural and low tuned. The next tracks prove me I'm right on the "proper instruments" thing as one guitar is totally out of sound for a death metal album, but what's best for them is that although this inconvenience they try their best. So the rhythm is mostly mid-paced but that's intertwined with some grinding fast touches as well. Interesting and memorable tunes able to capture your attention for the whole 17 minutes without boring you, so you might try this band out because I'm sure there are not so many death/grind metal bands that you had the chance to listen. For the Romanians I would ad they remind me of the Ropmanian Avatar's demos, and for the foreing readers Leprosy Abscess can be tracked on a less technical old-vein Cannibal Corpse (mostly because of the gory, disgusting lyrics), Deicide, Suffocation path. Although its sound isn't the bet, this is a recommended demo for all of you death/gind maniacs out there.

Contact: www.leprosyabscess.go.ro