

Country: Lithuania
Product title: Prakeikimas
Kind of product: Full-lenght CD
Release year: 2005
Label: Ledo Takas Records
Genre: blackened thrash metal
Line-up: Nekrofagas (g.)
        Stabmeldys (d.)
        Venomous (b./v.)
Tracks: 1. As josu prakeikimas
       2. Suteikim kancia
       3. Ju septynetas
       4. Omega et Alpha
       5. Kol viskas niekur
       6. Karo ugnys/I dausas
Total time: 41:04

Review: To be totally honest, Dissimulation is one of my personal faves in black metal and certainly my fave band from the Baltic lands. Since I've heard their debut album I was expecting something new with these Lithuanians and here it is: their second album, "Prakeikimas", uses as always, Lithuanian lyrics, a great dark, funeral atmosphere and a good old-fashioned heavy-thrash-black metal music. Now they have a little bit of more heavy metal in their music than on the first opus, but their blasphemous touch is still there. If you like, I would say they are a much more blasphemous and raw version of Finnish band Hin Onde, so who likes that band and would like to listen to something more controversial, they can try Dissimulation. This album doesn't disappoint me at all and really made my day. If you never heard of Hin Onde, you can put Dissimulation in the same pot with bands like Venom, Destruction or Hellhammer. There are only 6 tracks, but they are lasting a lot of time. Good riffs, great attitude, impressive production, a perfect gift for all of you, old-fashioned black metallers. There are some keys used as intros, but they are only there for atmosphere, you know what I'm talking about.

Contact: www.ledotakas.net