
Product: BALAMUC Zine
Country: Romania
Issue number: 1
Kind of product: b/w photocopied fanzine
Language: Romanian
Release date: 14 oct. 2005
Pages: 32

Review: Great someone still releases fanzines in Romania, although this is not a serious one, but it is still informative. Titus, the editor, wanted to release a funny thing and he succedeed with this first issue of Balamuc (Romanian term for madhouse) 'zine. I don't know how woll this thing go in sellings, but it is a nice paper to read on your toilet-seat. I recommend it to all Romanian metalheads who are into the underground scene (they will understand all the jokes). Titus told me he will release it once or twice a year, so the next issue should be out in March-April of 2006. As an interesting fact, the zine was released at the first Romanian show of Pungent Stench and it contains a poster of the band. Can't wait for the next release. Good job, Titus! "La mai mare"!

Contact: balamuc_zine@yahoo.com